Learn Crowdfunding | Free Online Class + Video Lessons
This Digital Fundraising School website content is to be read in its historical context.
Content is from its 2013-2015 archived pages.
Learn Crowdfunding
Do you have a question for us? Stop by our About page to learn more about the school. Wondering where to get started? Have a look at our Getting Started page. If you have general questions, please drop us a note at hello (at) digitalfundraisingschool.com.
Want a free six-part mini-course on crowdfunding delivered right to your email inbox? Just join our list and it’s yours – FREE.
Join our mailing list Get a free six-part mini course delivered right to your inbox. A new video lesson each week.
Learn Crowdfunding
Digital Fundraising School was created for you to learn crowdfunding online. I host free online classes to help you learn about your options and get you started with crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is helping creative media-makers, designers, startups, entrepreneurs, social change advocates and tech visionaries thrive and realize their dreams. Now it’s your turn.
Video Lesson Series
I offer a video lesson series on curious.com. In a series of 10 online videos, it will take you through each step you’ll need for crowdfunding success.
Campaign Press Outreach
Do you want your campaign covered by journalists and bloggers? I offer a press outreach program. I select the right journalists for you, write your email pitch letters, send them to the appropriate journalists and bloggers, track when they are opened, and follow up with everyone when they respond.
Get Going With a Free Class Series
The best way to get started is to try my free class series. It’s online, delivered ro your inbox each week. Get started now. It’s free.

Digital Fundraising School is more than learning how to run a crowdfunding campaign. This course really forces you identify what is your brand, why should anyone be interested, and who is the audience. You are also learning some pretty amazing strategies that can be used long after your campaign is finished. – Tutu
The Crowdfunding Bootcamp was a fantastic class! Lee was able to help me, barely literate in technology, create a strong campaign for my project. He gave current real-life examples as well as lots of gold nuggets from his experience in the field. Lee also was able to give clear, direct, kind feedback all along the way. I highly recommend his classes. – Susan F.
Crowdfunding Bootcamp was extremely helpful in giving me the knowledge and tools to prepare a campaign of our own at our organization. As a nonprofit, we are fundraising year-round, but crowdfunding brings a fresh air and a new face to the “Why” of what we do here and helps us better tell that story to our supporter so we increase our community. – Brittain A.
Thank you for all the great advice, we couldn’t have reached our goal without it. - Nathaniel W.J.
Lee’s class for me was about really getting into the nitty gritty of what crowd-funding is as a social phenomena and why it can work and the many ways it won’t, depending on how you manage it. I walked away from the class with a much broader perspective on crowdfunding and the tools necessary to really hit the ground running with my Kickstarter campaign. Lee is a wonderful teacher and a genuine person who brings a pragmatic and realistic perspective to what crowdfunding is all about. – Tim S.
Lee is an outstanding instructor. He is so dedicated to his student’s success and has great confidence in them. He has an incredible way of breaking things down for his students in a way that it easy, manageable and FUN — understanding that each individual has their unique learning curve. Lee is patient, loving and warm. Just the kind of instructor one needs to build the strength, confidence and fortitude to launch themselves into the next phase of their work. – Tabby B.
Our non profit benefited by the advice and suggestions offered in Lee's class. We harnessed the information and reached out to a number of companies for donations for the several fundraisers we hold each year. One of companies was an e-commerce site that sells janitorial supplies. Their online site says that they offer the best wholesale price paper towels and other paper products. But the deal they gave us was phenomenal. Plus they donated a years worth of janitorial cleaning supplies for our office needs. Crowdfunding Bootcamp added more tools to our fundraising efforts. Can't thank you enough. – Max F. & Trudy V.
Digital Fundraising School is a membership site. As a visitor you see a lot! But it’s only a small percentage of what we offer to members. Log in for a free membership and have a look around. Try a free crowdfunding mini-class delivered to your inbox and find out what you’re missing.
Using sites like Kickstarter, IndieGoGo, Razoo and GoFundMe, thousands of filmmakers, artists, musicians, dancers, activists and community leaders have raised the money they need to launch their projects, start their businesses and fulfill their dreams..
I look forward to learning more about your crowdfunding project. See you online!
Lee Schneider
founder, Digital Fundraising School
Welcome to Digital Fundraising School. You’ve picked a great place to learn more with this overview.
I offer online crowdfunding classes on Curious.com.
I offer support for press outreach before and during your campaign.
Press outreach means that I research and contact journalists about your campaign and encourage them to write about you. The best way to learn more about press outreach is to attend an online class. You can attend from anywhere.
What is Curious.com?
Curious.com is an online learning platform. I have posted ten videos on Curious.com that tell you everything you’ll need to know about planning, sustaining, and promoting a crowdfunding campaign. Each video comes complete with exercises and a workbook.

Do you wonder what platform you should choose for your crowdfunding campaign? Never before have there been as many choices for crowdfunding: Kickstarter. IndieGoGo. GoFundMe. Rockethub, and Razoo and so many others. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a content creator, media maker, application developer, tech guru, community organizer or social change maker, you’ll find your funding home. The first video in my curious.com series will answer your questions about that..
The video series also answers other important questions, like ‘How much should I ask for?’ and ‘How long should my campaign run?’ Plus, we’ll have lots of examples from successful campaigns you’ve heard about and want to know more about. You will get a clear sense of your social capital: Whether you have a community already in place who will love your project or whether you need to develop one. You will be able to use your social capital to bring in financial capital.
There are lots of resources for you right here on this site, too! Membership is free.
Learn Crowdfunding
Free Online Class + Video Lessons
Crowdfunding classes online.

Campaign press outreach.

10-part video lesson series online.

Learn how to crowdfund for your next big idea with Digital Fundraising School.
Try a Free Class Series.

What People are Saying
Lee’s class for me was about really getting into the nitty gritty of what crowd-funding is as a social phenomena and why it can work and the many ways it won’t, depending on how you manage it. I walked away from the class with a much broader perspective on crowdfunding and the tools necessary to really hit the ground running with my Kickstarter campaign. Lee is a wonderful teacher and a genuine person who brings a pragmatic and realistic perspective to what crowdfunding is all about.
Tim S.
I just wanted to send you a sincere thank you. I am running a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo at the moment (nearly over eeek!). I have been listening to your YouTube clips and they’ve been so much help. They’re very good and a wonderful resource for me. Very concise and informative (some other videos out there have about 50% “awesome!” content if you know what I mean).
Sonja from Ireland
Thank you, Lee. I have been searching for reliable and proven crowdfunding strategies for a while now. Your work and materials rise ‘above the crowd!’ Your ideas are backed up by great successes. I tell everyone I know in this field to look you up!
Dennis B.
Lee is an outstanding instructor. He is so dedicated to his student’s success and has great confidence in them. He has an incredible way of breaking things down for his students in a way that it easy, manageable and FUN — understanding that each individual has their unique learning curve. Lee is patient, loving and warm. Just the kind of instructor one needs to build the strength, confidence and fortitude to launch themselves into the next phase of their work.
Tabby B.
Crowdfunding Bootcamp was extremely helpful in giving me the knowledge and tools to prepare a campaign of our own at our organization. As a nonprofit, we are fundraising year-round, but crowdfunding brings a fresh air and a new face to the “Why” of what we do here and helps us better tell that story to our supporter so we increase our community.
Brittain A.
Digital Fundraising School is more than learning how to run a crowdfunding campaign. This course really forces you identify what is your brand, why should anyone be interested, and who is the audience. You are also learning some pretty amazing strategies that can be used long after your campaign is finished.
The Crowdfunding Bootcamp was a fantastic class! Lee was able to help me, barely literate in technology, create a strong campaign for my project. He gave current real-life examples as well as lots of gold nuggets from his experience in the field. Lee also was able to give clear, direct, kind feedback all along the way. I highly recommend his classes.
Susan F.
Thank you for all the great advice, we couldn’t have reached our goal without it.
Nathaniel W.J.
Lee’s class for me was about really getting into the nitty gritty of what crowd-funding is as a social phenomena and why it can work and the many ways it won’t, depending on how you manage it. I walked away from the class with a much broader perspective on crowdfunding and the tools necessary to really hit the ground running with my Kickstarter campaign. Lee is a wonderful teacher and a genuine person who brings a pragmatic and realistic perspective to what crowdfunding is all about.
Tim S.
I just wanted to send you a sincere thank you. I am running a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo at the moment (nearly over eeek!). I have been listening to your YouTube clips and they’ve been so much help. They’re very good and a wonderful resource for me. Very concise and informative (some other videos out there have about 50% “awesome!” content if you know what I mean).
Sonja from Ireland
Receive a six-part crowdfunding mini-course. Discover the secrets of crowdfunding success.
Here’s the deal. Each week I’ll send you a short video tip that reveals one of my Six Principles for a successful crowdfunding campaign. All you have to do is view the video – on your computer, on your phone, on the go – and you are on the way to becoming a better crowdfunder. No matter which crowdfunding platform you want to use, my six principles will apply.

The inside scoop. I teach crowdfunding in an online class series. One class series takes place in the Fall, the other in the Spring. But you can get started today, learning more about crowdfunding, just by experiencing the mini-course delivered right to your inbox. If you’re thinking about starting a crowdfunding campaign, just want to learn more, or have a launch date in mind, the mini-course will get you on the right path.
What People Are Saying about Learning Crowdfunding at Digital Fundraising School
As a nonprofit, we are fundraising year-round, but crowdfunding brings a fresh air and a new face to the “Why” of what we do here and helps us better tell that story to our supporter so we increase our community.
– Brittain A.
Digital Fundraising School is more than learning how to run a crowdfunding campaign. You are also learning some pretty amazing strategies that can be used long after your campaign is finished.
- Tutu
Lee is a wonderful teacher and a genuine person who brings a pragmatic and realistic perspective to what crowdfunding is all about.
– Tim S.

Are you a creative media maker? Use crowdfunding to make your next movie or album. Filmmakers, musicians and artists are raising millions with crowdfunding.
Entrepreneur? Bring your product to market with crowdfunding. Create a built-in audience for your venture and bring it to life.
Product designers and startups are using pre-marketing on sites like Kickstarter and IndieGoGo to build a culture around their ideas. Many startups are leaping over the barriers imposed by VC’s and simply using crowdfunding to attract their seed money.
If you’re raising money for charity or for social good, crowdfunding can help
I look forward to learning more about your crowdfunding adventures.
Lee Schneider, founder, Digital Fundraising School